Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Acknowledging Divine Protection

I had a dream the other night about a lion.  I was in a jungle setting.  The leaves and trees were tall and thick and hovering around a clearing.  The creature was a large Black African lion with a beautiful mane, roaring several times to impress.  As the lion walked toward me with an intention that I didn’t care for, I backed up toward a stone wall covered in vines and flowers of the jungle.  There was no where else for me to go.  I had to do something.  The thought came to me to quiet the animal and calm the situation through singing a hymn that I have sung since I was a child.  It starts out, “Father, we thy loving children, lift our hearts in joy today.  Knowing well that thou wilt keep us ever in thy blessed way.”  

Immediately, as I sang, the lion lay down where he had been standing with such aggression.  He stopped roaring and became relaxed.  He began licking his front legs and paws as if I wasn’t even there anymore.  I remember feeling that it had been my expectation that the lion would respond as he did and that my safety was secure. 

But it wasn’t just about me.  My expectation of harmony was also directed toward the lion.  It was my intention to demonstrate both of us out of danger.  I remember being grateful in the dream for that instant message when I needed it.  And that it provided a solution for the whole picture.

Now, it’s not that I have a great voice, as my children will attest, so it wasn’t the soothing, mesmerizing sound that lulled the lion into complacency. It was the Spirit of the Christ message that goes beyond human reasoning to heal.  I was inspired to use this message to apply it to challenges that I face in my day.  To respond with a higher sense of Love, rather than react adversely, with fear or intimidation.  To expect an answer would be provided and that I would never be left to figure it out without the love and support of Divine Love.  God doesn’t leave his children defenseless.  Knowing that his love for all his creation is intact and universal and is stronger than anything else is protection.  

Like the story in the Bible of Daniel in the lion's den, innocence, pure motives, protects us in times of challenge. Attempts of animal magnetism, erroneous attacks, wants us to take the bait of believing we can be unprotected, ungoverned, or misrepresented in some way and cause us harm.  I know only the Christ is attracted to man, woman, child.  Nothing else!  Only the light of the Christ shines on mankind and the universe illuminating our thought and actions each moment, as well as the actions of others.  We are always protected, safe.  So whatever is  the activity, God is there, loving and cherishing you and everyone.  Know it, live it.  Watch it in action.  Don't settle for all the bad news as the truth for mankind.  There is a higher law of harmony and protection for all!  Declare it for the world. You need it, I need it, the children of the world need it! 

JOY by Elizabeth C. Adams
Arr. From L.van Beethoven
“Ode to Joy”

Father, we Thy loving children
Lift our hearts in joy today,
Knowing well that Thou wilt keep us
Ever in Thy blessed way.
Thou art Love and Thou art wisdom,
Thou art Life and Thou art All;
In Thy Spirit living, moving,
We shall neither faint nor fall.

Come we daily then, dear Father,
Open hearts and willing hands,
Eager ears, expectant, joyful,
Ready for Thy right commands.
We would hear no other voices,
We would heed no other call;
Thou alone art good and gracious,
Thou our Mind and Thou our All.

In Thy house securely dwelling,
Where Thy children live to bless,
Seeing only Thy creation,
We can share Thy happiness,
Share Thy joy and spend it freely.
Loyal hearts can feel no fear;
We Thy children know Thee, Father,
Love and Life forever near. 
     Hymn 58
Christian Science Hymnal

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Forgiveness Heals! Love Yourself Enough!

Forgiveness for oneself and others brings immediate healing.  Children naturally understand the importance of compassion.  We can help them identify with the strengths they recognize in themselves while they learn to love what they feel challenges them.  To know that each of us have the tools to claim dominion and freedom from the mental attacks of criticism, blame, weakness, sadness, mistakes, loneliness, etc.  Being grateful for challenges is recognizing one can learn to go to God, yield to divine Mind, and see that the burden is light-the light of Truth in the midst of difficulty/darkness.  We are at one with these qualities of God: Love, Truth, Mind, Principle, Soul, Spirit, Life and can claim dominion over evil of any kind when we identify with these qualities each day.